Taha Wairua

Spiritual Wellbeing

The way people view wairua can be very different. Wairua is spoken or unseen energies. For some, wairua is an internal connection to the universe. For others, wairua is your connection to who and what you are, where you have come from and where you are going.


Early Days


Support with Clothes, Bedding, Equipment, Healthy Homes and Housing


Learning About Pregnancy, Giving Birth & Early Parenting (Antenatal Education)

Antenatal classes provide information that help parents make informed decisions throughout their pregnancy, birthing and parenting experience. They also offer an opportunity for you to connect with other people in your area who will have a pēpi at a similar time to you.



Learning About Breastfeeding

Breast milk is the perfect food for your pēpi. It’s all your pēpi needs to eat and drink for the first 6 months. Breast milk protects your pēpi against colds, tummy bugs, infections and allergies. It also helps to protect your pēpi against sudden unexpected death in infancy (SUDI). Most antenatal classes will encompass breastfeeding education. Please speak to your midwife about the benefits of breastfeeding and antenatal hand expressing.


Keeping Baby Safe



Places to Give Birth