Keeping Baby Safe While Sleeping


Sudden unexpected death in infancy (SUDI) is when a pēpi dies in an unexpected and initially unexplained way. Most SUDI occurs when pēpi are sleeping in an unsafe environment. SUDI is a leading cause of preventable death for pēpi in Aotearoa. Thinking about SUDI can be very frightening for new parents, but there are many ways in which you can protect your pēpi and greatly reduce the risk of SUDI.

Safe sleep for P.E.P.E

Place baby on his or her own baby bed, face clear of bedding and in the same room as the caregiver.

Eliminate smoking in pregnancy and protect baby with a smoke free whānau, whare and waka.

Position baby flat on his or her back to sleep, face up.

Encourage and support breastfeeding and gentle handing of baby

Ask your LMC or Tamariki Ora Well Child nurse about a safe sleep bed (wahakura or Pēpi-Pod) for your pēpi.

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